Monday, April 21, 2014

dreams + duvets

My Advanced Poetry professor (yes, I am taking advanced poetry this semester) gave us our second to last assignment: write a love poem.  "Oh, awesome!" I thought to myself, "that should be totally easy for anyone who is not in love...."

I went home that day and started writing the most superficial poem I have ever written.  Trying hard to capture the playfulness and sincerity of being in love, which proved very difficult without a muse.  I call this unfinished poem:

I Know Nothing Of Love And I Am Filling The Void With Food and Furry Friends

I love you like a fat kid loves cake
And let me tell you, boy,
I really love cake.
And I love you like a fish loves to swim
As if there’s no other option
I don’t breathe, I just take you in.
I love you like a cat loves to nap
Sleeping soundly no matter the time of day.
Without you, why stay awake anyway?
I love you like a phone loves to ring
Simple little things, like a call any given day
Just to say ‘hey –
I love you’
Like a...

Once I reached this point of the poem, even I was bored.  It was so cliche and honestly annoying to read.  So, I resorted to what I knew.  I wrote about the last person I loved.

And that's when I asked myself, "Self, are you really that pathetic?" and unfortunately the answer was yes.  This poem is the best love poem I can muster up right now... which I actually think it's totally okay... because why would I write a love poem if I am not in love?  And why would I write a love poem about finding love if I'm not sure what I'm looking for?  Thus, I wrote only what I know and I wanted to share it with the world.  Please Enjoy!

dreams + duvets

i wrapped my arms around you and you did the same.
then we tapped into each others hearts
and i mapped out our journey
an atlas of connecting freckles down your back
like constellations constantly reminding me
of the nights we shared together
shining like the sparkle in your eyes
bright like the spark
ignited in my heart
that flickered for you.
and you held me tight in your arms
as we rapped in whispers
our forever ballad.
where we found love entrapped for a moment

until time tapped you on the shoulder
and slapped me in the face.

your unknowing hands unwrapped from mine
yet i still find myself rapt in your embrace
not yet ready to erase you from my life
still captivated
and my mind races and slows and races again
through mazes and phases that bring me back to this bed
lost in sheets of white and
i see red.
fury and frustration give way to fatigue
and fade to black in the back of my mind
each night when i close my eyes
without hope
i lay my head
only to be trapped in duvets and dreams
streams and scenes of what will never be
knowing tomorrow i’ll wake up
without you asleep beside me

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